Dank Utility

This category contains all commands related to utilities for dank memer based servers. Like Anti-Freeloader for banning freeloaders, Heist Start for assisting in dank heists. This is made only to assi

CommandDescriptionUsageAliasesBot PermissionsUser Permissions


Return information about Anti-Freeloader System and button menu using which you can configure it.

beast anti-freeloader

antifl, anti-fl, antifreeloader

Ban Members, Embed Links, Use External Emojis



Shows full statistics of Anti-Freeloader System like last heist bans, total heist bans, etc. Also it needs Ban permissions to fetch total accurate freeloaders banned currently in the server.

beast anti-freeloader-stats

antifl-stats, antifreeloader-stats, antiflstats, afstats, afs

Embed Links, Use External Emojis, Ban Members



Shows the freeloader statistics of the specified or the current users.

beast freeloader-info


Embed Links, Use External Emojis



Manage Heist Settings for your server.

beast heistset


Embed Links, Use External Emojis



Starts the collector for auto viewlocking and unviewlocking for the roles you specify when you start the heist using pls heist. It will auto unviewlock for @everyone role after the heist is completed. Anyone with any of the role you specify will be able to access the heist channel.

beast heist-start <amt> <role1> (role2) (role3) (...)

hstart, h-start, heistmode

Embed Links, Use External Emojis, Manage Channels, Manage Roles

Manage Channels, Manage Roles

These commands requires `Embed Links` and `Use External Emojis` permissions. Make sure to give it to the bot so the commands work properly.

Last updated